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agendaturisme353373477 | Del castell al celler: Ruta enoturística de Gelida | 2021-06-14 00:00:00 | 2021-06-14 23:59:59 | Visita guiada al Castell de Gelida | Centre d'Interpretació del Castell de Gelida | | 93 779 01 46 | Centre d'Interpretació del Castell de Gelida | Camí Castell, s/n, 08790 Gelida,Gelida | Gelida | 41.4369081,1.8690016 | 08091 | 12 | Turisme per a gent curiosa; Ruta guiada; Alt Penedès; Gelida; Enoturisme | turisme_per_a_gent_curiosa; ruta_guiada; alt_penedes; gelida; enoturisme | Activitat pagament | <p> i a continuació, visita a un dels quatre cellers del voltant (Masia Can Pasqual de Gelida, Vins el Cep, Caves Torelló o Bodegues Sumarroca)</p> | 3 | Tourism: Highlights of what’s on | 2025-03-13 20:52 | |||||||||||||||||||||
agendaturisme419301888 | Catalan Modernist Days of Gelida | 2025-06-06 00:00:00 | 2025-06-08 23:59:59 | The Catalan Modernist Days of Gelida showcase the town’s wealth of cultural heritage, featuring poetry, painting, theatre, period costumes and music. | Gelida Town Council | | Gelida | Gelida | 41.4399037,1.8673141 | | 08091 | 12 | Modernisme; Alt Penedès; Culture and traditions; Gelida; Fairs; Catalan modernism | modernisme; alt_penedes; culture_and_traditions; gelida; fairs; catalan_modernism | <p style='text-align: justify;'>The Catalan modernist movement emerged at around the turn of the 20<sup>th</sup> century. A well-to-do class of citizens in Gelida saw it as a time of creativity and modernity, and one of its many artistic manifestations in the town was architecture, in the form of grand houses.</p> <p> </p> <p style='text-align: justify;'>When Gelida first became a fashionable place to spend the summer, the trend was closely linked to the emergence of the Catalan modernist movement. Coinciding with the Catalan Modernist Day, this town in the Penedès area is showcasing its modernist heritage, with many related activities.</p> | 3 | Tourism: Highlights of what’s on | 2025-03-13 20:52 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
agendaturisme358342467 | Ruta Modernista de Gelida | 2021-10-07 00:00:00 | 2021-10-07 23:59:59 | Recorregut guiat que es realitza pel centre de la vila. Mitjançant aquesta ruta, els visitants coneixeran les principals característiques d'aquest moviment cultural. | Centre d'Interpretació Castell Gelida | | 93 779 01 46 | Centre de la Vila | Plaça de l'Església,Gelida | 08790 | Gelida | 41.4399709,1.8649437 | | 08091 | 12 | Turisme per a gent curiosa; Visita guiada; Alt Penedès; Gelida; Patrimoni | turisme_per_a_gent_curiosa; visita_guiada; alt_penedes; gelida; patrimoni | Activitat pagament | <p>Activitat programada per a l'últim diumenge de cada mes.</p> <p>Durada: 1h i 30 minuts.</p> <p>Necessària reserva prèvia.</p> | 3 | Tourism: Highlights of what’s on | 2025-03-13 20:52 |
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Tourism: Highlights of what’s on
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