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agendaturisme404650769 | The Mostra d'Igualada | 2025-04-03 00:00:00 | 2025-04-06 23:59:59 | Don’t miss Catalonia’s leading performing arts market: the Igualada Showcase, offering the best shows for children and young people. Be the first in the queue! | | Igualada | Igualada | 41.5879394,1.6176960 | | 08102 | 12 | TOP; Anoia; Landscapes Barcelona; Culture and traditions; For families; Espectacle; Igualada; Family-oriented; En família; Cultura | top; anoia; landscapes_barcelona; culture_and_traditions; for_families; espectacle; igualada; familyoriented; en_familia; cultura | Espectacle | <p>This is a <strong>great showcase event of Catalan theatre</strong> for all the family. Every April, Igualada celebrates the <em>Mostra </em>or Showcase, a theatre fair for children and young people, aimed at promoting <strong>family-friendly productions</strong> in Catalan theatres. If you’re wondering what will be on in Catalan theatres in the coming months, come to the Igualada Showcase!</p> | 6 | Tourism: Highlights of what’s on | 2025-03-13 20:52 | |||||||||||||||||||||||
agendaturisme415455622 | El Modernisme a Igualada. 1907: Un any clau | 2024-10-04 00:00:00 | 2025-01-19 23:59:59 | El Modernisme a Igualada es podrà conèixer a través d'una exposició al Museu de la Pell d'Igualada. | Ajuntament d'Igualada - Museu de la Pell | | 938046752 | Museu de la Pell d'Igualada | C/ Dr. Mercader, 1,Igualada | 08700 | Igualada | 41.5778700,1.6142100 | | 08102 | 12 | Anoia; Landscapes Barcelona; Culture and traditions; Igualada; Catalan modernism | anoia; landscapes_barcelona; culture_and_traditions; igualada; catalan_modernism | Activitat gratuïta | <p>Quan parlem del modernisme a Igualada, estem parlant d’un corrent artístic que renova molts aspectes de la vida ciutadana amb el vessant popular. Globalment, abraça un període que va del 1899 al 1920.</p> | 6 | Tourism: Highlights of what’s on | 2025-03-13 20:52 | |||||||||||||||||||
agendaturisme404202505 | Three Kings Festival in Igualada | 2026-01-05 00:00:00 | 2026-01-05 23:59:59 | The Three Kings Parade in Igualada is one of the most pioneering cavalcades in Catalonia! Don’t miss the arrival of the Three Kings on their floats or the taking of presents up to balconies on multi-coloured ladders. | | Igualada | Igualada | 41.5878650,1.6126995 | | 08102 | 12 | TOP; Christmas; Paisatges Barcelona; Anoia; Culture and traditions; For families; Festa popular; Igualada; Family-oriented; En família; Cultura; For Children; Show | top; christmas; paisatges_barcelona; anoia; culture_and_traditions; for_families; festa_popular; igualada; familyoriented; en_familia; cultura; for_children; show | Festa popular | <p>All the children in <strong>Igualada</strong> and in the rest of the Anoia region know <strong>Faruk the page</strong>. He arrives a few days before the <strong>Three Kings</strong> to collect the children’s wish-filled letters. He’s one of the star attractions of the Three Kings Festival in Igualada, which concludes with <strong>the oldest cavalcade in Catalonia</strong>. It’s that special time of year when children’s faces are full of excitement and magic. Enjoy a festival that’s <strong>more than 100 years old</strong>. It’s sure to captivate the younger members of the family! </p> | 6 | Tourism: Highlights of what’s on | 2025-03-13 20:52 |
Estadístiques 2025
Tourism: Highlights of what’s on
Mitjana 2025: 107,81 consultes/dia
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