Conjunt de dades |
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agendaturisme423837295 | Caves of the Toll | 2025-01-18 00:00:00 | 2030-01-31 23:59:59 | Welcome at The Caves of the Toll, where will be able to endinsar-vos at a voyage for the prehistory. | | Moià | Moià | 41.8056896,2.1511243 | | 08138 | 12 | Moianès; Culture and traditions; Nature; Moià; Museums and Monuments; Guided Visits | moianes; culture_and_traditions; nature; moia; museums_and_monuments; guided_visits | <p>The quest splits of the same caves to land at the Archaeologic and Paleontological Museum, situated at an incomparable frame and is the Home Museum Rafael Casanova.</p> | 42 | Tourism: Highlights of what’s on | 2025-03-13 20:52 |
Estadístiques 2025
Tourism: Highlights of what’s on
Mitjana 2025: 107,81 consultes/dia
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