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agendaturisme411221662 Visita guiada: De priorat a vila cremada 2024-06-16 00:00:00 2024-06-16 23:59:59 Una visita que explica l’origen de Sant Quintí amb l’establiment d’un priorat, que va esdevenir una vila closa que al s. XVIII va ser cremada. Ajuntament de Sant Quintí de Mediona Carrers del centre del poble Sant Quintí de Mediona Sant Quintí de Mediona 41.4620950,1.6629560 08236 12 Alt Penedès; Visita guiada; Costa Barcelona; Sant Quintí de Mediona; Cultura alt_penedes; visita_guiada; costa_barcelona; sant_quinti_de_mediona; cultura Activitat gratuïta Visita guiada <p>La surgència natural de les Deus és, des d’antic, un recurs atractiu. Íbers, romans i andalusins ho tindran clar, però a partir del segle XII, amb la frontera penedesenca estabilitzada, seran els monjos benedictins, procedents de Ripoll, els que aprofitaran l’espai per a bastir un nou priorat, que esdevindrà una vila closa. Però el final dels anys moderns serà, gairebé, el final de Sant Quintí, que entra al segle XVIII com un au fènix: resorgint de les cendres de ser una vila cremada.</p> <p>Us hi esperem!</p> 3 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme411222210 Visita guiada: De vila cremada a vila modernista 2024-06-29 00:00:00 2024-06-29 23:59:59 Resseguirem la història des de la crema de Sant Quintí el 1714 fins a l'arribada del modernisme i l'estiueig. Ajuntament de Sant Quintí de Mediona Carrers del centre del poble Sant Quintí de Mediona Sant Quintí de Mediona 41.4620950,1.6629560 08236 12 Alt Penedès; Visita guiada; Costa Barcelona; Sant Quintí de Mediona; Cultura alt_penedes; visita_guiada; costa_barcelona; sant_quinti_de_mediona; cultura Activitat gratuïta Visita guiada Coneix la història de la vila a partir dels fets de 1714, quan després que les tropes borbòniques exigissin un impost a la Vegueria Penedès, es va produir una revolta que va desencadenar l’entrada de 2.500 soldats i la crema de Sant Quintí. La vila va quedar devastada, però a partir del segle XVIII va ressorgir fins a transformar-se en un enclavament cabdal durant l’etapa modernista. 3 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme410996505 Cicle d’activitats de bosc i vinya 2024-05-12 00:00:00 2024-06-16 23:59:59 Gaudeix de 5 propostes relacionades amb el paisatge i la natura del Bages. Ruta del vi de la DO Pla de Bages Varis llocs Bages Bages 41.7270077,1.8206706 12 Bages; Visita guiada; Landscapes Barcelona; Manresa; Enoturisme; En família; Gastronomia; Fires bages; visita_guiada; landscapes_barcelona; manresa; enoturisme; en_familia; gastronomia; fires Activitat gratuïta Visita guiada <p>El paisatge de la vinya al Bages està format per petites parcel·les envoltades de bosc. La proximitat a aquest entorn natural i la biodiversitat de l’ecosistema entre la vinya i el bosc confereixen als vins de la DO Pla de Bages expressions úniques d’aquest paisatge.</p> <p>La Ruta del vi de la DO Pla de Bages continua amb el Cicle d’activitats de bosc i vinya; tot un conjunt de propostes relacionades amb el paisatge i la natura d’aquest territori per aprofundir en el coneixement de la cultura de la vinya i el vi des d’una vessant naturalista i sostenible.</p> Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme411043989 Torre Abadal 2024-05-12 00:00:00 2024-05-12 23:59:59 Descobreix, en exclusiva, un espai modernista únic i perfectament conservat. Torre Abadal Plaça Major, 24,Avinyó Avinyó 41.8632549,1.9718541 08012 12 Modernisme; Bages; Avinyó; Cultura modernisme; bages; avinyo; cultura <p>La Torre Modernista Abadal és de les poques cases modernistes que continuen pertanyent a la mateixa família des de la seva construcció l’any 1909. Visita guiada a càrrec de l’actual propietària Mònica Abadal. Descobriràs les diferents sales i menjador de l’habitatge, el despatx amb l’arbre genealògic de la família des del 1284, algunes de les habitacions privades, la cuina recentment restaurada, el celler centenari i el jardí romàntic, amb anècdotes i curiositats familiars explicades de primera mà per la seva propietària.</p> <p>Dues opcions de visita: senzilla i prèmium que inclou un vermut musical al jardí un cop finalitzada la visita. </p> 7 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme411046945 Ruta del Tram 2024-05-09 00:00:00 2024-12-31 23:59:59 Escapades TRAMendes amb descomptes especials per conèixer museus, mercats de pagès i els millors parcs del Baix Llobregat! Baix Llobregat Baix Llobregat 41.3795537,2.0569247 12 Baix Llobregat; Sant Just Desvern; Sant Joan Despí; Sant Feliu de Llobregat; Cornellà de Llobregat; Esplugues de Llobregat; En família; Rutes baix_llobregat; sant_just_desvern; sant_joan_despi; sant_feliu_de_llobregat; cornella_de_llobregat; esplugues_de_llobregat; en_familia; rutes <p>Propostes per descobrir palaus, el modernisme màgic de Jujol, mercats de pagès amb productes de proximitat, parcs, activitats familiars i una variada oferta gastronòmica en restaurants km 0.</p> <p>Planifica la teva escapada:</p> <p>1- Entra a i descarrega’t les promocions i els descomptes.</p> <p>2- Viatja còmodament durant el trajecte, i desplaça’t de forma confortable, ràpida i segura.</p> <p>3- Gaudeix de les visites i les activitats. Per gaudir dels descomptes tan sols has de mostrar la promoció descarregada a cada establiment corresponent.</p> Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme348843881 International Museum Day 2024-05-18 00:00:00 2024-05-18 23:59:59 18 May is International Museum Day. Have you decided which one to visit this year? Towns and cities in the regions of Barcelona Towns and cities in the regions of Barcelona 41.3740982,2.1618065 12 TOP; Alt Penedès; Anoia; Bages; Baix Llobregat; Vallès Oriental; Vallès Occidental; Osona; Garraf; Berguedà; Maresme; Barcelonès; Moianès; Exposició; Visita guiada; Visita virtual; Culture and traditions; Costa Barcelona; Landscapes Barcelona; Pirineos Barcelona; Curious; Cultura top; alt_penedes; anoia; bages; baix_llobregat; valles_oriental; valles_occidental; osona; garraf; bergueda; maresme; barcelones; moianes; exposicio; visita_guiada; visita_virtual; culture_and_traditions; costa_barcelona; landscapes_barcelona; pirineos_barcelona; curious; cultura Exposició; Visita guiada; Visita virtual <p style='text-align: justify;'>Activities, workshops, free visits, special exhibitions... Museums prepare <strong>exclusive events</strong> for 18 May, International Museum Day. There’s sure to be a museum you’d like to visit or revisit. Make the most of the occasion to explore one! Don’t forget that <strong>Museum Night</strong> is held on the eve of the big day. It’s an evening of special events, with special extended opening hours.</p> Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme394173437 Observatori Astronòmic del Parc del Garraf 2024-05-11 00:00:00 2024-08-25 23:59:59 Una experiència educativa i de divulgació per apropar l'Astronomia a tothom. Olivella Olivella 41.3073790,1.8384461 08148 12 Estrelles; Garraf; Olivella; En família; Natura; Cultura estrelles; garraf; olivella; en_familia; natura; cultura Activitat pagament <p>Consulta totes les activitats i reserva la teva! </p> 17 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme411015889 La Nit dels Museus 24 2024-05-18 00:00:00 2024-05-18 23:59:59 Una nit única per viure tota la programació especial que t'ofereixen els museus de les comarques de Barcelona. Comarques de Barcelona Comarques de Barcelona 41.3690876,2.1534534 12 Alt Penedès; Anoia; Bages; Baix Llobregat; Vallès Oriental; Vallès Occidental; Osona; Garraf; Berguedà; Maresme; Barcelonès; Moianès; Cultura alt_penedes; anoia; bages; baix_llobregat; valles_oriental; valles_occidental; osona; garraf; bergueda; maresme; barcelones; moianes; cultura Activitat gratuïta <p>Quant temps fa que no entres de nit en un museu? Molt, oi? I és que de nits com la que podràs viure el dissabte 18 de maig n’hi ha ben poques; en concret, només una cada any! És la Nit dels Museus, una vetllada única en què aquests espais, amb maneres de fer habitualment diürnes, es deixen anar i obren les portes fins tard. A més a més, molts d’ells organitzen activitats que van més enllà de les seves exposicions i col·leccions: concerts, tallers, performances, mapatges... Ah!, i el 2024 la Nit dels Museus coincideix amb el Dia Internacional dels Museus, fet que no es donava des de fa cinc anys, el 2019</p> Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme348841739 Modernist-Style Trade Fair in Terrassa 2024-05-10 00:00:00 2024-05-12 23:59:59 Every May, Terrassa travels back 100 years in time to revive the essence of the city during the Catalan Modernist period. Terrassa Terrassa 41.5646522,2.0236558 08279 12 TOP; Modernisme; Vallès Occidental; Fira; Culture and traditions; Costa Barcelona; Family-oriented; Curious; Terrassa; Cultura; Fires top; modernisme; valles_occidental; fira; culture_and_traditions; costa_barcelona; familyoriented; curious; terrassa; cultura; fires Fira <p style='text-align: justify;'>Long dresses, tail coats, top hats and wide-brimmed hats. This is what you will find in Terrassa at the beginning of May each year to celebrate the Catalan Modernist Fair. An interesting <strong>experience that celebrates <em>noucentisme</em></strong><em> </em>—a Catalan cultural movement at the turn of the 20th century—, which gives visitors the chance to relive a movement that had a particularly strong impact in this city of the Vallès region. Discover a city that was <strong>one of the driving forces of the textile world in Catalonia</strong>. You can explore the many <em>noucentista </em>buildings that have been preserved, along with the Catalan Modernist Market, where the main trades from this period are exhibited.</p> 40 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme356031629 Penedès Wine Harvest Festival 2024-09-01 00:00:00 2024-09-30 23:59:59 The wineries of the Penedès Wine Route are keen to welcome you at this most eagerly awaited time of year. Enjoy a special day out with a difference: the wine harvest picnic. Wineries of the Penedès Wine Route 938170160 Alt Penedès Alt Penedès 41.3461586,1.3461586 12 TOP; Copa America Vela; The grape harvest festival; Alt Penedès; Visita guiada; Gastronomy and wine tourism; Wellbeing; Costa Barcelona; Vilafranca del Penedès; Enoturisme top; copa_america_vela; the_grape_harvest_festival; alt_penedes; visita_guiada; gastronomy_and_wine_tourism; wellbeing; costa_barcelona; vilafranca_del_penedes; enoturisme Activitat pagament Visita guiada <p>Come to the Penedès region for a wine harvest picnic at a winery and savour this special time of year with us.<br /> On this festive day out, the wineries of the Wine Route offer you the chance to spend the morning at their facilities, where you can then enjoy an outdoor picnic lunch. This activity marks the start of a month that’s jam-packed with tourism activities. Wine harvest activities play a starring role in September. Pick and taste the ripe grapes, try the flower must (the first juice of the must) and take part in the harvesting with your family.<br /> The Wine Harvest Festival is a great excuse for making the summer last a little bit longer, for having a good time and for celebrating with family and friends the arrival of the loveliest time of year in the Penedès region.</p> Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme357794200 Bages Wine Harvest Festival 2024-10-05 00:00:00 2024-10-06 23:59:59 The streets of the old quarter of Artés are transformed into an outdoor stage that celebrates the winegrowing culture of the Bages region. Organizing committee of the Bages Wine Harvest Festival 682419577 Plaça Major, Artés,Artés Artés 41.7993183,1.9505157 08010 12 TOP; Copa America Vela; The grape harvest festival; Bages; Festa popular; Gastronomy and wine tourism; Wellbeing; Artés; Enoturisme top; copa_america_vela; the_grape_harvest_festival; bages; festa_popular; gastronomy_and_wine_tourism; wellbeing; artes; enoturisme Activitat gratuïta Festa popular <p>The celebrations comprise a whole host of activities related to the world of wine. Artés is the epicentre of the festival, but events take place throughout the region, including a travelling opening ceremony and heritage visits along the DO Pla de Bages Wine Route, the first cultural wine tourism route in Catalonia.<br /> Tastings of local products are organized with the help of local restaurants and producers, accompanied by the wine of the Bages region. Traditional and cultural activities round off this great winemaking festival. Everyone is welcome to take part and savour some DO Pla de Bages wines at Plaça Vella in Artés.</p> 7 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme348844403 European Park Day 2024-05-24 00:00:00 2024-05-24 23:59:59 24 May is European Park Day. Free activities, guided routes, festive early-morning activities, children’s workshops, photography contests, poetry recitals, literary routes… Where to begin? Natural parks in the regions of Barcelona Natural parks in the regions of Barcelona 41.7933272,2.4119819 12 TOP; Alt Penedès; Anoia; Bages; Baix Llobregat; Vallès Oriental; Vallès Occidental; Osona; Garraf; Berguedà; Maresme; Barcelonès; Moianès; Nature; Wellbeing; Costa Barcelona; Landscapes Barcelona; Pirineos Barcelona; Adventurous; Family-oriented; En família; Natura top; alt_penedes; anoia; bages; baix_llobregat; valles_oriental; valles_occidental; osona; garraf; bergueda; maresme; barcelones; moianes; nature; wellbeing; costa_barcelona; landscapes_barcelona; pirineos_barcelona; adventurous; familyoriented; en_familia; natura <p style='text-align: justify;'>On 24 May 1909, the first European national parks were declared, in Sweden, with the aim of protecting their natural, agricultural, scenic, woodland and cultural value. To commemorate this <strong>first declaration</strong> and promote its values, 24 May has been declared European Park Day. To celebrate it, the parks in the regions of Barcelona have organised a series of activities. Do you know which one you want to take part in? <strong><a href='' target='_blank'>Discover the magnificent twelve</a>!</strong></p> Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme348990092 Chestnut Fair 2024-10-26 00:00:00 2024-10-27 23:59:59 The Viladrau Chestnut Fair is sure to surprise you with its unique products, the explosion of colours of its autumn landscape and its majestic chestnuts, which it has been cultivating for centuries. Viladrau Viladrau 41.8487175,2.3901307 12 TOP; Copa America Vela; Halloween; Osona; Fira; Gastronomy and wine tourism; Landscapes Barcelona; Foodie; Viladrau; Gastronomia; Fires top; copa_america_vela; halloween; osona; fira; gastronomy_and_wine_tourism; landscapes_barcelona; foodie; viladrau; gastronomia; fires Fira <p style='text-align: justify;'>Viladrau chestnuts, with their <strong>strong, bright colour, are sweet and easy to cook</strong>. They are recovering the prestige they had enjoyed up until the mid-20th century, when the chestnut roasters in Barcelona would only roast chestnuts from the heart of the Montseny area. The Chestnut Fair showcases a product that had been forgotten for some years. <strong>Discover the qualities of chestnuts through various activities</strong> in a wonderful setting.</p> Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme348990827 European Heritage Days 2024-10-11 00:00:00 2024-10-13 23:59:59 Discover the wealth of heritage in the local area through guided visits, concerts, exhibitions and theatre. Enjoy the European Heritage Days! Towns and cities in the regions of Barcelona Towns and cities in the regions of Barcelona 41.3844660,2.1566625 12 SICTED; TOP; Copa America Vela; Alt Penedès; Anoia; Bages; Baix Llobregat; Vallès Oriental; Vallès Occidental; Osona; Garraf; Berguedà; Maresme; Barcelonès; Moianès; Exposició; Festa popular; Visita guiada; Visita virtual; Xerrada; Culture and traditions; Costa Barcelona; Landscapes Barcelona; Pirineos Barcelona; Adventurous; Family-oriented; Curious; En família; Cultura sicted; top; copa_america_vela; alt_penedes; anoia; bages; baix_llobregat; valles_oriental; valles_occidental; osona; garraf; bergueda; maresme; barcelones; moianes; exposicio; festa_popular; visita_guiada; visita_virtual; xerrada; culture_and_traditions; costa_barcelona; landscapes_barcelona; pirineos_barcelona; adventurous; familyoriented; curious; en_familia; cultura Exposició; Festa popular; Visita guiada; Visita virtual; Xerrada <p style='text-align: justify;'>For one weekend, the towns and cities of the regions of Barcelona show off the best of their heritage. Explore buildings, historical sites, gardens, archaeological sites and other outstanding places in the local area through <strong>open days, exclusive visits, one-off activities, guided routes</strong> and other events.</p> Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme348986426 Sheepdog Trials in Castellar de n’Hug 2024-08-25 00:00:00 2024-08-25 23:59:59 “Jau Coloma” (“Lie down, Coloma!”), “Passa cap allà” (“Go over there”). Would you like to hear these commands in person? Then head to the international sheepdog trials in Castellar de n’Hug, where shepherds from many different countries will showcase their skills. Castellar de n'Hug Castellar de n'Hug 42.2828555,2.0165884 08052 12 TOP; Copa America Vela; Berguedà; Festa popular; Culture and traditions; Pirineos Barcelona; Curious; Castellar de n'Hug; Cultura; En família top; copa_america_vela; bergueda; festa_popular; culture_and_traditions; pirineos_barcelona; curious; castellar_de_nhug; cultura; en_familia Festa popular <p style='text-align: justify;'>This is without a doubt the star event of this little town in the Berguedà region, which strives to <strong>keep alive a profession in danger of extinction</strong>: shepherding. On the last Sunday in August, leading shepherds from all over Catalonia, the rest of Spain and Europe converge on Castellar de n’Hug to take part in the sheepdog trials, in which shepherds and their dogs<strong> demonstrate their skills, rapport and mountain life spirit</strong>.</p> 14 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme348989510 Catalan Modernist Fair of Canet de Mar 2024-10-04 00:00:00 2024-10-06 23:59:59 Every year, Canet de Mar travels back in time to the turn of the 20th century. Relive the customs and spirit of Catalan Modernism! Canet de Mar Canet de Mar 41.5890570,2.5803905 08040 12 SICTED; TOP; Copa America Vela; Modernisme; Maresme; Fira; Culture and traditions; Costa Barcelona; Curious; Canet de Mar; Fires; Cultura sicted; top; copa_america_vela; modernisme; maresme; fira; culture_and_traditions; costa_barcelona; curious; canet_de_mar; fires; cultura Fira <p style='text-align: justify;'>Would you like to see what Canet de Mar was like at the turn of the 20th century, when Catalan Modernism took off? You can do this every September, at the Catalan Modernist Fair of Canet de Mar. Guided tours of architectural heritage, demonstrations of traditional trades and dramatized scenes will take you back to the <strong>Canet of a century ago</strong>.</p> 21 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme348990281 Catalan Modernist Fair at the Colònia Güell 2024-10-18 00:00:00 2024-10-20 23:59:59 “More than a century ago, there was an industrial model village where we lived, worked and had fun together…” The Catalan Modernist Fair takes you back to the Colònia Güell as it was at the turn of the 20th century. Santa Coloma de Cervelló Santa Coloma de Cervelló 41.3679655,2.0168585 08244 12 SICTED; TOP; Copa America Vela; Modernisme; Baix Llobregat; Festa popular; Culture and traditions; Costa Barcelona; Curious; Santa Coloma de Cervelló; Cultura; Fires sicted; top; copa_america_vela; modernisme; baix_llobregat; festa_popular; culture_and_traditions; costa_barcelona; curious; santa_coloma_de_cervello; cultura; fires Festa popular <p style='text-align: justify;'>The Catalan Modernist Fair of the Colònia Güell, an industrial model village, <strong>recreates the everyday scenes of life</strong> as it was a century ago. In period dress, paying great attention to detail and with highly realistic scripts, a group of actors take you back to the model village as it was at the turn of the 20th century. If you’ve never been there before, it will offer you real insight into what it was like <strong>in its heyday!</strong></p> 11 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme410858270 Dia Internacional dels Museus a Osona 2024-05-11 00:00:00 2024-05-19 23:59:59 El Dia dels Museus a Osona uneix 12 museus en un ventall d'activitats per promoure cultura i aprenentatge. Consell de Museus d'Osona Museus i Espais Patrimonials de la Comaca d'Osona Osona Osona 41.9480550,2.2450000 12 Osona; Festa popular; Concert; Espectacle; Visita guiada; Xerrada; Landscapes Barcelona; Folgueroles; Manlleu; Masies de Roda, Les; Masies de Voltregà, Les; Roda de Ter; Santa Eugènia de Berga; Tona; Torelló; Vic; Cultura; En família; Rutes; Natura osona; festa_popular; concert; espectacle; visita_guiada; xerrada; landscapes_barcelona; folgueroles; manlleu; masies_de_roda_les; masies_de_voltrega_les; roda_de_ter; santa_eugenia_de_berga; tona; torello; vic; cultura; en_familia; rutes; natura Activitat pagament Festa popular; Concert; Espectacle; Visita guiada; Xerrada <br/>Des de rutes literàries, jornades de portes obertes, tallers, activitats, visites teatralitzades, presentacions de llibres fins a altres esdeveniments, els museus de la comarca celebren el Dia Internacional dels Museus. Destaquen les ''Joies dels Museus'', amb peces especials destacades i activitats al voltant d'elles, oferint una gran varietat d'experiències culturals per a tots els visitants. Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme368561794 La primavera del cava 2024-05-04 00:00:00 2024-05-28 23:59:59 Aquest maig, 16 cellers del Penedès t’obren les portes durant la primavera. AECAVA Alt Penedès Alt Penedès 41.4271600,1.7807327 12 TOP; Alt Penedès; Gastronomy and wine tourism; Enoturisme top; alt_penedes; gastronomy_and_wine_tourism; enoturisme Activitat pagament <p>La Primavera del Cava és un festival que té lloc a cellers emblemàtics del Penedès. Tots els caps de setmana de maig es celebren activitats entre vinyes al voltant del Cava aprofitant l’època de primavera.</p> <p><a href='' target='_blank'>Programa</a></p> Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme367544438 Diada Modernista “Escenes d’Estiueig” 2024-10-05 00:00:00 2024-10-06 23:59:59 Acomiada l'estiu com ho feien les famílies barcelonines de principis del s. XX. Cardedeu Cardedeu 41.6380886,2.3548065 08046 12 Modernisme; Vallès Oriental; Culture and traditions; Cardedeu; Cultura; Fires; Culture modernisme; valles_oriental; culture_and_traditions; cardedeu; cultura; fires; culture Activitat gratuïta <p>El primer cap de setmana d’octubre, Cardedeu es vesteix per acomiadar l’estiu amb un viatge en el temps fins al Cardedeu del 1900 i descobrir com passaven l’estiu les famílies barcelonines que s’havien construït grans torres per estiuejar a la vila. cap de setmana amb activitats a la plaça de Sant Joan, un itinerari teatralitzat i música al Cardedeu modernista.</p> 41 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme384564969 Jornades del Modernisme de Gelida 2024-06-07 00:00:00 2024-06-09 23:59:59 A les Jornades Modernistes de Gelida es mostra tota la riquesa del seu patrimoni cultural, posant rellevància en la poesia, la pintura, el teatre, el vestuari de l’època i la música. Ajuntament de Gelida Gelida Gelida 41.4399037,1.8673141 08091 12 Modernisme; Alt Penedès; Culture and traditions; Fira; Costa Barcelona; Gelida; Fires; Cultura modernisme; alt_penedes; culture_and_traditions; fira; costa_barcelona; gelida; fires; cultura Activitat gratuïta Fira <p>El Modernisme es desenvolupa a Catalunya de finals del segle XIX a principis del segle XX. A Gelida va tenir nombroses manifestacions artístiques, com l'arquitectura, amb importants cases històriques, i una classe benestant que va entendre aquest art com un moment de creativitat i de modernitat.<br /> <br /> De manera particular, la irrupció del primer estiueig a Gelida va anar molt vinculada a l'esclat del Modernisme. Coincidint amb el dia del Modernisme, el municipi penedesenc fa valdre aquest patrimoni i moltes activitats relacionades.</p> 3 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme410651751 Manifesta 15 2024-09-08 00:00:00 2024-11-24 23:59:59 Manifesta, la biennal nòmada europea, arriba a Barcelona i la seva àrea metropolitana per celebrar la seva 15a edició el 2024. Comarques de Barcelona Comarques de Barcelona 41.3862235,2.1478117 12 TOP; Copa America Vela; Baix Llobregat; Vallès Occidental; Maresme; Barcelonès; Culture and traditions; Barcelona; Sabadell; Badalona; Sant Cugat del Vallès; Sant Adrià de Besòs; Prat de Llobregat, El; Cornellà de Llobregat; Mataró; Hospitalet de Llobregat, L'; Cultura top; copa_america_vela; baix_llobregat; valles_occidental; maresme; barcelones; culture_and_traditions; barcelona; sabadell; badalona; sant_cugat_del_valles; sant_adria_de_besos; prat_de_llobregat_el; cornella_de_llobregat; mataro; hospitalet_de_llobregat_l; cultura Activitat pagament <p>Abraçant un territori de 3000 km2, la 15a edició de Manifesta té l’objectiu d’aportar noves perspectives a Barcelona i la seva regió metropolitana. Cada una de les 12 ciutats de la biennal s’agruparan sota tres clústers connectats amb un tema i una ubicació geogràfica. Aquesta serà la base del programa biennal per a Manifesta 15 Barcelona Metropolitana el 2024.</p> Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme348989600 Vic Live Music Market 2024-09-18 00:00:00 2024-09-21 23:59:59 For four days, Vic becomes the music epicentre of Catalonia. The Live Music Market fills the city with stages offering the best live music. Vic Vic 41.9317748,2.2547134 08298 12 TOP; Copa America Vela; Osona; Concert; Culture and traditions; Landscapes Barcelona; Curious; Vic; Cultura top; copa_america_vela; osona; concert; culture_and_traditions; landscapes_barcelona; curious; vic; cultura Concert <p style='text-align: justify;'>The Live Music Market is a music event that fills the city with stages. Music enthusiasts and professionals come to experience a wide range of concerts. <strong>Established musicians and new talents</strong> offer their best concerts for the public to enjoy. This is what the Live Music Market is all about: a market where musicians advertise their talents for future events.</p> 24 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme410650860 Fira Mediterrània 2024-10-10 00:00:00 2024-10-13 23:59:59 Una fira multidisciplinària que planteja tres grans itineraris en la seva programació: música, dansa i arts escèniques i de carrer. Manresa Manresa 41.7269790,1.8229035 08113 12 TOP; Copa America Vela; Bages; Culture and traditions; Manresa; Cultura top; copa_america_vela; bages; culture_and_traditions; manresa; cultura <p> </p> <p>La Fira Mediterrània de Manresa és el mercat estratègic de les propostes artístiques que utilitzen l’arrel, la tradició i la cultura popular com a motor creatiu.</p> <p>La Fira Mediterrània treballa amb els 360 graus de l’arrel tradicional, partint del grau inicial, el patrimoni immaterial i l’herència cultural, passant per les associacions de cultura popular i tradicional, que treballen a partir del patrimoni immaterial connectant-lo amb la societat, i finalment, el sector professional, els artistes que creen a partir d’aquesta tradició. La Fira Mediterrània posa especial èmfasi en l’intercanvi, la interrelació i la intersecció de tots ells.</p> <p>Es tracta d'una fira multidisciplinària que planteja tres grans itineraris en la seva programació: un de música, amb l’escena mediterrània de músiques del món i música folk, on destaquen les novetats de l’escena catalana d’arrel; un de dansa, amb una mirada en moviment a l'arrel tradicional i la cultura popular, i un de memòria, llegat i narració oral, amb les propostes d’arts escèniques i de carrer, especialment de teatre i circ, que beuen de la cultura popular.</p> 7 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme394900706 Festa Major de Sant Bartomeu 2024-08-23 00:00:00 2024-08-24 23:59:59 La Festa Major, declarada com a festa patrimonial d’interès nacional, és la festa gran de Sitges. Diferents espais de la vila Sitges Sitges 41.2348855,1.8115455 08270 12 TOP; Garraf; Culture and traditions; En família; Festa popular; Costa Barcelona; Sitges; Cultura top; garraf; culture_and_traditions; en_familia; festa_popular; costa_barcelona; sitges; cultura Activitat gratuïta Festa popular <p>Amb motiu de la celebració de Sant Bartomeu, patró de Sitges, durant els dies 23 i 24 d’agost se celebren els principals actes, com l’entrada de grallers, cercaviles i processons amb la sortida dels gegants, el Drac, l’Àliga, els diables i els balls populars, així com, el tradicional i espectacular Castell de Foc el dia 23 a les 11 de la nit a la platja de la Fragata.</p> 17 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme358219481 Fantastic Film Festival 2024-10-03 00:00:00 2024-10-13 23:59:59 This is the most prestigious film festival in Catalonia with the greatest media repercussion. Have you ever been to the Fantastic Film Festival? Sitges Sitges 41.2355650,1.8126260 08270 12 TOP; Copa America Vela; Garraf; Espectacle; Culture and traditions; Costa Barcelona; Curious; Sitges; Cultura top; copa_america_vela; garraf; espectacle; culture_and_traditions; costa_barcelona; curious; sitges; cultura Activitat pagament Espectacle <p>The <strong>Sitges International Fantastic Film Festival</strong> has become a <strong>worldwide point of reference</strong> and is the first film festival in the world dedicated to fantastic and horror films. The best pictures of this genre are shown and actors, directors and producers of international renown participate in it. Going there is a great experience! How about it? </p> 17 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme410274189 Mitjó - Mostra de titelles de Riudebitlles 2024-05-24 00:00:00 2024-05-26 23:59:59 El darrer cap de setmana de maig, Sant Pere de Riudebitlles es converteix en l’escenari del Mitjó, un festival familiar, acollidor, popular, irreverent i transgressor. Ajuntament de Sant Pere de Riudebitlles Carrers del centre del poble,Sant Pere de Riudebitlles Sant Pere de Riudebitlles 41.4516060,1.7011290 08232 12 Alt Penedès; Fira; Costa Barcelona; Sant Pere de Riudebitlles; En família alt_penedes; fira; costa_barcelona; sant_pere_de_riudebitlles; en_familia Activitat gratuïta Fira <p>Espectacles repartits de divendres a diumenge, de titelles, equilibris i música, en diferents formats i per a totes les edats.</p> <p>A l’espai central hi haurà espai gastronòmic.</p> <p>Vine i gaudeix de la màgia dels titelles; gaudeix El Mitjó!</p> 3 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme410600531 Formula 1 Spanish Grand Prix Duplicate 2 Duplicate 1 2024-09-07 00:00:00 2024-09-10 23:59:59 The Montmeló race track buzzes with excitement during the Formula 1 Spanish Grand Prix, one of the year’s most important motorsport events. Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya Montmeló Montmeló 41.9137100,1.6785500 08135 12 TOP; Copa America Vela; Celebrations of Summer; Bages; Culture and traditions; En família; Landscapes Barcelona; Cardona top; copa_america_vela; celebrations_of_summer; bages; culture_and_traditions; en_familia; landscapes_barcelona; cardona <p>The Spanish Grand Prix is held at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya two months into the Formula 1 season. <strong>Montmeló </strong>hosts one of the year’s most important motorsport events, and aims to offer you a Formula 1 experience imbued with the special characteristics of Barcelona: <strong>vitality</strong>, <strong>positivism </strong>and <strong>warmth</strong>, in the heart of Mediterranean culture.</p> 41 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme410585331 Festa Major de Sant Bartomeu 2024-08-23 00:00:00 2024-08-24 23:59:59 La Festa Major, declarada com a festa patrimonial d’interès nacional, és la festa gran de Sitges. Diferents espais de la vila Sitges Sitges 41.2348855,1.8115455 08270 12 Copa America Vela; Celebrations of Summer; Garraf; Culture and traditions; Sun and beaches; En família; Costa Barcelona; Sitges copa_america_vela; celebrations_of_summer; garraf; culture_and_traditions; sun_and_beaches; en_familia; costa_barcelona; sitges Activitat gratuïta <p>Amb motiu de la celebració de Sant Bartomeu, patró de Sitges, durant els dies 23 i 24 d’agost se celebren els principals actes, com l’entrada de grallers, cercaviles i processons amb la sortida dels gegants, el Drac, l’Àliga, els diables i els balls populars, així com, el tradicional i espectacular Castell de Foc el dia 23 a les 11 de la nit a la platja de la Fragata.</p> 17 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme410601518 Formula 1 Spanish Grand Prix Duplicate 2 Duplicate 1 Duplicate 2 2024-09-10 00:00:00 2024-09-10 23:59:59 The Montmeló race track buzzes with excitement during the Formula 1 Spanish Grand Prix, one of the year’s most important motorsport events. Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya Montmeló Montmeló 42.0333000,1.8833000 08135 12 TOP; Copa America Vela; Celebrations of Summer; Berguedà; Culture and traditions; En família; Landscapes Barcelona; Gironella top; copa_america_vela; celebrations_of_summer; bergueda; culture_and_traditions; en_familia; landscapes_barcelona; gironella <p>The Spanish Grand Prix is held at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya two months into the Formula 1 season. <strong>Montmeló </strong>hosts one of the year’s most important motorsport events, and aims to offer you a Formula 1 experience imbued with the special characteristics of Barcelona: <strong>vitality</strong>, <strong>positivism </strong>and <strong>warmth</strong>, in the heart of Mediterranean culture.</p> 41 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme410596314 Formula 1 Spanish Grand Prix Duplicate 2 2024-08-24 00:00:00 2024-08-25 23:59:59 The Montmeló race track buzzes with excitement during the Formula 1 Spanish Grand Prix, one of the year’s most important motorsport events. Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya Montmeló Montmeló 41.8754318,2.2863400 08135 12 TOP; Copa America Vela; Celebrations of Summer; Osona; Culture and traditions; En família; Landscapes Barcelona; Taradell top; copa_america_vela; celebrations_of_summer; osona; culture_and_traditions; en_familia; landscapes_barcelona; taradell <p>The Spanish Grand Prix is held at the Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya two months into the Formula 1 season. <strong>Montmeló </strong>hosts one of the year’s most important motorsport events, and aims to offer you a Formula 1 experience imbued with the special characteristics of Barcelona: <strong>vitality</strong>, <strong>positivism </strong>and <strong>warmth</strong>, in the heart of Mediterranean culture.</p> 41 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme405713808 The Phylloxera Festival 2024-09-07 00:00:00 2024-09-08 23:59:59 Fire and music are the protagonists of the Phylloxera Festival, which explains how Sant Sadurní d'Anoia overcame the dreaded phylloxera. Sant Sadurní d'Anoia Sant Sadurní d'Anoia 41.4257289,1.7856760 08240 12 TOP; Copa America Vela; Celebrations of Summer; The grape harvest festival; Alt Penedès; Festa popular; Culture and traditions; Gastronomy and wine tourism; En família; Costa Barcelona; Adventurous; Curious; Sant Sadurní d'Anoia; Enoturisme; Cultura top; copa_america_vela; celebrations_of_summer; the_grape_harvest_festival; alt_penedes; festa_popular; culture_and_traditions; gastronomy_and_wine_tourism; en_familia; costa_barcelona; adventurous; curious; sant_sadurni_danoia; enoturisme; cultura Activitat gratuïta Festa popular <p>This event, which takes place in different parts of Sant Sadurní d'Anoia over two days, explains how the municipality overcame the phylloxera plague. It does so with festive <strong>music and fire</strong> because the Phylloxera Festival <strong>celebrates the efforts made by the townsfolk</strong> to keep alive the winemaking tradition. Once you’ve danced in the firelight, surrounding by insects and American rootstock, you know the end of the festival is near. Cava is sprayed to celebrate the fact that the vines have once again borne fruit.</p> 3 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme405702111 Manresa Town Festival 2024-08-24 00:00:00 2024-09-02 23:59:59 Bring August to a rousing close at the Festa Major (Main Town Festival) of Manresa, where you’ll find culture, tradition and an exceptional correfoc (fire run). Manresa Manresa 41.7264188,1.8196210 08113 12 TOP; Copa America Vela; Celebrations of Summer; Bages; Festa popular; Culture and traditions; En família; Landscapes Barcelona; Family-oriented; Curious; Manresa; En família; Cultura top; copa_america_vela; celebrations_of_summer; bages; festa_popular; culture_and_traditions; en_familia; landscapes_barcelona; familyoriented; curious; manresa; en_familia; cultura Festa popular <p>The fact that it coincides with the end of the summer season has made the <em>Festa Major</em> (Main Town Festival) of Manresa a celebration that people flock to in order to <strong>bid farewell to summer</strong>. The <strong><em>pregó </em></strong>(opening speech), the <em><strong>tronada </strong></em>(firecracker display) and the <em><strong>cercavila </strong></em>(street parade) of <em>nans </em>(dwarves) and <em>gegants </em>(giants) are some of the main attractions. However, over time, the <em>correfoc </em>(in which people dressed up as devils run through the streets letting of fireworks) has become the star events. It has revived characters from mediaeval Manresa who will enable you to relive history while dancing amid fireworks.</p> 7 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme405701827 The Festa Major (Main Town Festival) of Whites and Blues 2024-08-23 00:00:00 2024-08-24 23:59:59 For its Festa Major (Main Town Festival), Granollers is split into two colours: white and blue. The two groups compete with each other to organise the most entertaining activities: the tile-making contest, the “blue night”, white and blue fun... How about you? Which colour will you choose? Granollers Granollers 41.6077891,2.2849325 08096 12 TOP; Copa America Vela; Celebrations of Summer; Vallès Oriental; Festa popular; Culture and traditions; En família; Costa Barcelona; Family-oriented; Curious; Granollers; En família; Cultura top; copa_america_vela; celebrations_of_summer; valles_oriental; festa_popular; culture_and_traditions; en_familia; costa_barcelona; familyoriented; curious; granollers; en_familia; cultura Festa popular <p>The <em>Festa Major</em> (Main Town Festival) of the Whites and Blues in Granollers is <strong>one of the most competitive and participatory festivals in Catalonia</strong>. For ten days, the city is split into these two colours. The two groups organise <strong>more than 100 activities</strong>, which include competitive games, such as the traditional tile-passing contest, the tug-of-war or the tile-making contest, not to mention <em>correfocs</em> (which involves people dressed as devils running through the streets and letting off fireworks), <em>correaigües </em>(water games), traditional dances and human tower-building. The winner is declared on the last day: a jury decides whether Granollers is white or blue.</p> 41 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme405702367 Festa Major (Main Town Festival) and Feast Day of Saint Felix 2024-08-29 00:00:00 2024-09-02 23:59:59 The Festa Major (Main Town Festival) in Vilafranca del Penedès, held in honour of Saint Felix is one of the most special and participatory festivals in Catalonia. Processions, parades, human tower-building, concerts, folklore… Partying, and more partying. Vilafranca del Penedès Vilafranca del Penedès 41.3435826,1.6973838 08305 12 TOP; Copa America Vela; Celebrations of Summer; Alt Penedès; Festa popular; Culture and traditions; En família; Costa Barcelona; Family-oriented; Curious; Vilafranca del Penedès; En família; Cultura top; copa_america_vela; celebrations_of_summer; alt_penedes; festa_popular; culture_and_traditions; en_familia; costa_barcelona; familyoriented; curious; vilafranca_del_penedes; en_familia; cultura Festa popular <p>It’s half-past twelve at noon. The town square is full to bursting. The four best <em>colles castelleres</em> (human tower-building teams), including the <strong>Castellers de Vilafranca</strong>, start to assemble the most spectacular human towers of the year on the occasion of the feast day of Saint Felix of Vilafranca del Penedès. This is the main highlight of a<em> festa major</em> that for centuries has offered just the right combination of <strong>traditional events and events for the general public</strong>. <strong>Giants, </strong><em><strong>capgrossos</strong> </em>(papier-mâché “big heads”), <strong>devils </strong>and all sorts of traditional dances make up the programme of what is said to be the most typical festival in Catalonia.</p> 3 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme348987889 The Festa Major (Main Town Festival) of Whites and Blues 2024-08-24 00:00:00 2024-09-01 23:59:59 For its Festa Major (Main Town Festival), Granollers is split into two colours: white and blue. The two groups compete with each other to organise the most entertaining activities: the tile-making contest, the “blue night”, white and blue fun... How about you? Which colour will you choose? Granollers Granollers 41.6077891,2.2849325 08096 12 TOP; Copa America Vela; Celebrations of Summer; Vallès Oriental; Festa popular; Culture and traditions; En família; Costa Barcelona; Family-oriented; Curious; Granollers; Cultura; En família top; copa_america_vela; celebrations_of_summer; valles_oriental; festa_popular; culture_and_traditions; en_familia; costa_barcelona; familyoriented; curious; granollers; cultura; en_familia Festa popular <p style='text-align: justify;'>The <em>Festa Major</em> (Main Town Festival) of the Whites and Blues in Granollers is <strong>one of the most competitive and participatory festivals in Catalonia</strong>. For ten days, the city is split into these two colours. The two groups organise <strong>more than 100 activities</strong>, which include competitive games, such as the traditional tile-passing contest, the tug-of-war or the tile-making contest, not to mention <em>correfocs</em> (which involves people dressed as devils running through the streets and letting off fireworks), <em>correaigües </em>(water games), traditional dances and human tower-building. The winner is declared on the last day: a jury decides whether Granollers is white or blue.</p> 41 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme388703650 Trens turístics: El Modernisme Gurmet 2024-06-01 00:00:00 2024-06-01 23:59:59 Puja el tren i viu un dia únic amb el Modernisme i la gastronomia com a protagonistes. No et quedis sense bitllet! 41.3841010,2.1864694 12 Garraf; Maresme; Vilanova i la Geltrú; Sitges; Canet de Mar; Mataró; Rutes garraf; maresme; vilanova_i_la_geltru; sitges; canet_de_mar; mataro; rutes Activitat pagament <p>Aquesta primavera viatja en tren fins al Maresme i viu un dia especial amb la cultura i la gastronomia com a protagonistes. La teva única preocupació serà seure a la butaca del tren i deixar fluir els 5 sentits per gaudir de tot el que t'han preparat en aquest viatge tan especial. Un agradable trajecte amb les millors vistes del Mediterrani et portaran fins a Mataró i Canet de Mar. Si vols saber que faràs, continua llegint.</p> <p><a href=''></a></p> Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme365805583 Coves del Toll 2024-04-27 00:00:00 2024-12-31 23:59:59 Visita les Coves del Toll a la capital del Moianès i endinsa't en un viatge per la prehistòria. Coves del Toll Moià Moià 41.8057167,2.1509560 08138 12 TOP; Moianès; Nature; Adventurous; Moià; En família; Natura; Cultura top; moianes; nature; adventurous; moia; en_familia; natura; cultura Activitat pagament <p>Una formació geològica habitada des de la prehistòria. Les Coves del Toll constitueixen un dels referents més importants de la Prehistòria, no només del Moianès, sinó de tota Catalunya.</p> <p>Part del seu interior es ple de sediments, arrossegats pel torrent, que es barregen amb les restes dels animals i dels homes que hi han viscut durant els darrers cent mil anys. Des del seu descobriment l'any 1948, i encara ara, s'hi porten a terme campanyes d'excavació arqueològica que han posat de manifest un rellevant llegat antropològic i paleontològic.<br /> Els materials trobats estan exposats al Museu Arqueològic i Paleontològic de Moià, situat a la Casa Museu Rafael Casanova.</p> 42 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme348986316 Festa Major (Main Town Festival) and Feast Day of Saint Felix 2024-08-29 00:00:00 2024-09-02 23:59:59 The Festa Major (Main Town Festival) in Vilafranca del Penedès, held in honour of Saint Felix is one of the most special and participatory festivals in Catalonia. Processions, parades, human tower-building, concerts, folklore… Partying, and more partying. Vilafranca del Penedès Vilafranca del Penedès 41.3435826,1.6973838 08305 12 TOP; Celebrations of Summer; Alt Penedès; Festa popular; Sun and beaches; Costa Barcelona; Family-oriented; Curious; Vilafranca del Penedès; En família; Cultura top; celebrations_of_summer; alt_penedes; festa_popular; sun_and_beaches; costa_barcelona; familyoriented; curious; vilafranca_del_penedes; en_familia; cultura Festa popular <p>It’s half-past twelve at noon. The town square is full to bursting. The four best <em>colles castelleres</em> (human tower-building teams), including the <strong>Castellers de Vilafranca</strong>, start to assemble the most spectacular human towers of the year on the occasion of the feast day of Saint Felix of Vilafranca del Penedès. This is the main highlight of a<em> festa major</em> that for centuries has offered just the right combination of <strong>traditional events and events for the general public</strong>. <strong>Giants, </strong><em><strong>capgrossos</strong> </em>(papier-mâché “big heads”), <strong>devils </strong>and all sorts of traditional dances make up the programme of what is said to be the most typical festival in Catalonia.</p> 3 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme409897678 Cotavins 2024-05-25 00:00:00 2024-05-25 23:59:59 El Cota, és el festival de vins d'altura de Mediona Cota Vins Masia La Torreta Sant Joan de Mediona,Mediona Mediona 41.4656435,1.5936962 08122 12 Alt Penedès; Costa Barcelona; Mediona; Enoturisme alt_penedes; costa_barcelona; mediona; enoturisme Activitat pagament <p>La major part de les vinyes de Mediona es situen a partir de 500 metres per sobre el nivell del mar.<br /> Al Cota vins, hi trobaràs vins d'altura a dojo, tastos, menjar, i bon rotllo.<br /> <br /> Vine a Mediona, descobreix i gaudeix-ne!</p> 3 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme404002991 Jardins Artigas 2024-01-20 00:00:00 2025-02-09 23:59:59 Ara pots visitar l'obra més desconeguda de Gaudí. Un jardí únic que va dissenyar i regalar a la família Artigas com a mostra d'agraïment. 687998541 Jardins Artigas Carrer del Ferrocarril, s/n,La Pobla de Lillet La Pobla de Lillet 42.2533952,1.9760829 08166 12 TOP; Berguedà; En família; Pobla de Lillet, La; En família; Natura; Cultura top; bergueda; en_familia; pobla_de_lillet_la; en_familia; natura; cultura Activitat pagament <p>Durant la seva estada a la Vall de Lillet, Gaudí es va allotjar a casa dels Srs. Artigas, propietaris d’una de les fàbriques més pròsperes de l’època. En agraïment a l’hospitalitat rebuda, Gaudí els va regalar el disseny d’un jardí en un terreny que la família tenia just davant la seva casa i fàbrica tèxtil. D’aquí van néixer els Jardins Artigas, obra on natura i arquitectura es fusionen en perfecta harmonia.</p> 14 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme348986203 Escaldàrium 2024-07-12 00:00:00 2024-07-14 23:59:59 Discover the legend of the Caldes de Montbui thermal water at Escaldàrium, the fire and water festival. Dancing and live music under cascades of fire and water storms. Caldes de Montbui Caldes de Montbui 41.6322903,2.1668439 08033 12 TOP; Celebrations of Summer; Vallès Oriental; Festa popular; Culture and traditions; Costa Barcelona; Adventurous; Curious; Caldes de Montbui; Cultura top; celebrations_of_summer; valles_oriental; festa_popular; culture_and_traditions; costa_barcelona; adventurous; curious; caldes_de_montbui; cultura Festa popular <p style='text-align: justify;'><em>Termaliot </em>and the witches appear in Plaça de la Font del Lleó (Lion Fountain Square) invoking the devil. Suddenly, a storm interrupts their ritual. But nothing can stop it now; the Gates of Hell open and out comes Lucifer! <strong>Fire and water dances</strong>, accompanied by live music. At the Escaldàrium fire and water festival in Caldes de Montbui, you’ll discover the<strong> legend of the creation of the local thermal water</strong>, the coming together of water and fire.</p> 41 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme348981451 Les Santes Main Town Festival 2024-07-25 00:00:00 2024-07-29 23:59:59 The Festa Major (Main Town Festival) of Mataró, in honour of Saint Juliana and Saint Semproniana, is once again upon us. Family fun is at the centre of this festival, as you accompany the Robafaves family and the so-called Nans (dwarves or big heads) to the sound of the flabiol (Catalan fipple flute) and the tamborí (little drum). Mataró Mataró 41.5413395,2.4333104 08121 12 TOP; Celebrations of Summer; Maresme; Festa popular; Culture and traditions; Costa Barcelona; Curious; Mataró; Cultura; En família top; celebrations_of_summer; maresme; festa_popular; culture_and_traditions; costa_barcelona; curious; mataro; cultura; en_familia Festa popular <p style='text-align: justify;'>History, the revival of local participation, liturgy and innovation are —according to those in the know in Mataró— the four pillars that make the <em>Festa Major</em> (Main Town Festival) of <em>Les Santes</em> <strong>one of the best festivals in Catalonia</strong>. Held since the first half of the 19th century, it’s renowned for the strong participation, enthusiasm and devotion of the people of Mataró to their festival. If you head to the city while the festival is on, you’ll find that the enthisiasm is contagious and you’ll only be able to do one thing: <strong>experience</strong> <em><strong>Les Santes</strong></em> <strong>as intensely</strong> as the locals do.</p> 21 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme348980798 The Ordal Peach Market 2024-06-01 00:00:00 2024-08-31 23:59:59 A unique peach thanks to the properties provided by the dryland farming. Buy this delicious fruit at the Ordal Peach Market. Subirats and Avinyonet del Penedès Subirats and Avinyonet del Penedès 41.3965930,1.8077058 12 TOP; esdeveniment de llarga durada; Alt Penedès; Fira; Gastronomy and wine tourism; Costa Barcelona; Foodie; Subirats; Avinyonet del Penedès; Gastronomia; Fires top; esdeveniment_de_llarga_durada; alt_penedes; fira; gastronomy_and_wine_tourism; costa_barcelona; foodie; subirats; avinyonet_del_penedes; gastronomia; fires Fira <p style='text-align: justify;'><strong>Deep yellow, juicy and sweet</strong>, but with a slightly acidic twist that makes it very pleasant on the palate. That is the Ordal peach, and it’s only grown in the municipalities of Subirats and Avinyonet del Penedès. If you’re in the area over a summer weekend, head to the Ordal Peach Market in Subirats. It's a great opportunity to discover the properties of this fruit for yourself and to wander around the vineyards of the Penedès region.</p> Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme348842336 Enramades (Flower Carpets) in Sallent 2024-05-30 00:00:00 2024-05-30 23:59:59 On the eve of the Feast of Corpus Christi, Sallent is transformed. The streets are adorned with all sorts of festive elements in order to preside over the events of the Enramades (Flower carpets) Festival. Sallent Sallent 41.8281486,1.8931679 08191 12 TOP; Celebrations of Corpus; Bages; Festa popular; Culture and traditions; Landscapes Barcelona; Curious; Sallent; Cultura; En família top; celebrations_of_corpus; bages; festa_popular; culture_and_traditions; landscapes_barcelona; curious; sallent; cultura; en_familia Festa popular <p style='text-align: justify;'>If you stroll through Sallent in the evening of the Wednesday before the Feast of Corpus Christi, you’ll find yourself in the thick of the action of the <em>Enramades</em> or Flower Carpets Festival. The locals decorate the streets with the <strong>creations they’ve been preparing for months</strong>. It’s a <strong>600-year-old tradition</strong> which was originally held to welcome the Corpus Christi procession. Nowadays, while celebrating an ancient tradition, the festival is more secular in nature. If you can't make it on the Wednesday, don't worry; the street decorations are left in place for five days! </p> 7 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme348843804 Caldesflor 2024-05-30 00:00:00 2024-05-30 23:59:59 In Caldes de Montbui, the Feast of Corpus Christi has a name of its own. Caldesflor is an exhibition and flower carpet competition in the town’s old quarter. A festival to celebrate tradition and art! Caldes de Montbui Caldes de Montbui 41.6320979,2.1639685 08033 12 TOP; Celebrations of Corpus; Vallès Oriental; Festa popular; Culture and traditions; Costa Barcelona; Curious; Caldes de Montbui; Cultura top; celebrations_of_corpus; valles_oriental; festa_popular; culture_and_traditions; costa_barcelona; curious; caldes_de_montbui; cultura Festa popular <p style='text-align: justify;'>Unlike other Corpus Christi festivals, the Caldesflor Festival in Caldes de Montbui allows participants to create their carpets with both natural and manmade elements. Associations, <strong>groups and well-known local artists</strong> from the spa town prepare the competing carpets. Meanwhile, a <strong>floral display</strong> in the old quarter decorates important landmarks, such as the Roman baths, and exhibitions of popular culture are organised. Enjoy a festival that combines religion, tradition and art!</p> 41 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme404472314 Museu Romàntic Can Papiol 2024-03-28 00:00:00 2025-02-28 23:59:59 Molt més que una casa, el símbol de tot un llinatge familiar Vilanova i la Geltrú Vilanova i la Geltrú 41.2279287,1.7249184 08307 12 Garraf; Culture and traditions; Costa Barcelona; Curious; Vilanova i la Geltrú; Cultura; Culture garraf; culture_and_traditions; costa_barcelona; curious; vilanova_i_la_geltru; cultura; culture Activitat pagament <p>Can Papiol és molt més que una casa, és el símbol de tota una nissaga familiar. Darrere la seva austera façana neoclàssica, s’amaguen uns opulents salons decorats amb tot luxe de detalls que en el seu moment acollien la flor i la nata de l’alta societat local.</p> 17 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme408897477 Païssa - El Quall + Tubs del món 2024-05-19 00:00:00 2024-05-19 23:59:59 Activitat agrocultural que forma part del cicle Païssa: explicació del Quall + espectacle Tubs del món de Xavi Lozano + un tast de formatges de La Petita Ànima i La Cardiguera. Consorci del Lluçanès El Quall, formatgeria col·lectiva i obrador comunitari del Lluçanès C/ de Dalt, 3,Alpens Alpens 42.1203800,2.1013270 08004 12 Osona; Espectacle; Landscapes Barcelona; Alpens; Cultura osona; espectacle; landscapes_barcelona; alpens; cultura Activitat pagament Espectacle <p>L’activitat consistirà en una presentació del projecte de formatgeria compartida i dels projectes que han nascut i s’estan incubant en aquestes instal·lacions.<br /> <br /> “Tubs del món” ens replanteja què vol dir un instrument i un instrument musical. Tot bufant ens descobrirà un bon grapat d’objectes quotidians que a les seves mans queden transformats en instruments musicals (de vent!). I tot per a demostrar-nos a nosaltres mateixos que la música és allà on decidim trobar-la.<br /> <br /> Un cop acabat l'espectacle gaudirem d'un tast de productes dels projectes que utilitzen l'obrador compartit del Quall: La Petita Ànima i La Cardiguera.</p> 24 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme408894880 Visita a Mas Rogers + Lo Secà de Joana Dark 2024-05-12 00:00:00 2024-05-12 23:59:59 Activitat agrocultural que forma part del cicle Païssa: visita guiada a Mas Rogers + espectacle Lo Secà de Joana Dark + un tast de formatges i productes lactis elaborats amb la llet de Mas Rogers. Consorci del Lluçanès Mas Rogers, s/n,Sant Bartomeu del Grau Sant Bartomeu del Grau 41.9690340,2.1609380 08199 12 Osona; Espectacle; Landscapes Barcelona; Sant Bartomeu del Grau; Cultura osona; espectacle; landscapes_barcelona; sant_bartomeu_del_grau; cultura Activitat pagament Espectacle <p>La visita a Mas Rogers consisteix en conèixer el dia a dia d’una granja familiar de vaques de llet que pasturen a la finca. L’espectacle de Lo Secà es caracteritza per veus femenines que canten les cançons de les nostres avantpassades i ens recorden les seves vides, acompanyades de sons tradicionals, bases electròniques i percussió, i enfocada a terres de Ponent, al camp i la vida humil que abans es duia. Cançons de segar i la terra de ‘lo secà’.<br /> En finalitzar l’espectacle és farà un tast de productes lactis variats i també es podrà fer una petita degustació de les hamburgueses de vedella d’elaboració pròpia.</p> 24 Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
agendaturisme375571997 Benvinguts a Pagès 2024-06-01 00:00:00 2024-06-02 23:59:59 Cap de setmana de portes obertes i visites gratuïtes a les explotacions agroalimentàries de Catalunya. Catalunya Catalunya 41.3961021,2.1598896 12 Alt Penedès; Anoia; Bages; Baix Llobregat; Vallès Oriental; Vallès Occidental; Osona; Garraf; Berguedà; Maresme; Moianès; Gastronomia; Natura alt_penedes; anoia; bages; baix_llobregat; valles_oriental; valles_occidental; osona; garraf; bergueda; maresme; moianes; gastronomia; natura Activitat gratuïta <p>Una oportunitat única per redescobrir l'origen d'allò que mengem i conèixer de prop les persones que produeixen els aliments que ens arriben a taula.</p> Tourism: Highlights of what’s on 2024-05-12 08:47
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Tourism: Highlights of what’s on

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